The Stretch of the Open Road

I wish I could do what you’re doing.

It doesn’t come to me as naturally”

Her text message read referring to

My spontaneous road trip through Scotland.

To set the record straight-

Traveling solo is something I’ve never REALLY done.

Driving 100s of miles on the wrong side of the road:Nope.


Changing directions in business:

Well, once or twice- but it’s still scary!

I’ve made a commitment to myself

To grow, to accept challenges, to face fears.

And mostly, just to be me & follow my truth.


Because only in the face of fear, doubt and worry

Do we not only find out what we’re made of,

But more importantly, stretch ourselves,

Rewire + reprogram,

And challenge the beliefs & patterns we’ve taken on.

We weren’t born with these limiting beliefs

Of what we can or can't do

Or who we are or aren’t.

They develop over time as we try & fail,

As we lose ourselves in the ego,

In our natural desire for protection & comfort.

What we forget is that

Without the little movements,

We never gain momentum.

And remember

You never know who you’re inspiring

By taking the chance,

Making the call,

Doing the thing you’ve always wanted to try.

Because in you being you,

Evolving and stepping into your power,

You give permission to others to do it too.

My invitation to you is this:

Get out of your comfort zone today or this weekend.

Try something new, no matter how big or small

And without judgment!

Just to remember what that stretch feels like.

Then, come back & share what you’ve done!

We’re all looking to be inspired.

It all starts with YOU.