Entrepreneurial Nakedness

As entrepreneurs, we're used to giving answers,

Solving problems, "doing" for others.

We latch onto work

To define us, to shape us,

And to bring us identity, worth & meaning.

We don't speak of ourselves as people,

But rather, machines.

Using "I am", "I have" and "I do"

to preface the latest buzzword,

Distracting from the real issue,

And more often than not:

The REAL value.


Because who would you be without the mask?

Who would you need to become

Without the armor of facts and figures?

It's that nakedness that scares us.

Also the nakedness that uncovers the truth

To set us free & light our souls on fire.

So return to the human BEING,

Not the human DOING

Because your value is not found in the metrics,

Your worth is not conditional on performance.

Truth is found in simplicity.

The brilliance of a breath,

The heat of a heartbeat,

And the practice of presence.

When will you give yourself permission to BE?




Maybe even for the first time.

Ireland cracked me open.

Scotland is coloring me in.