Someday Suffocation (BALI 3)

Why do we put off trips, adventure & beauty

Classifying them as secondary?

Saving it for “someday”?

Ultimately, stripping ourselves of a better reality.


In a world where we spew words like “Hustle,” “Grind,” and “Busy,”

Wearing them like a badge of honor -

It’s no wonder we feel suffocated,

Stifled and caged,

Disconnected from the very thing we do it all for:



What if we chased adventure like we do “success”?

Consistently created moments of magic

And opportunities of awe?

What then?


What if we set intentions for inspiration,

Valued simplicity over scarcity,

Flow over funnels,

Passion over product suites,

Impact over investments,

Laughter over list building,

Ease over effort,

And used connection + kindness as our metric?

What would be possible for you? For us?


Let our commitment be to return to center,

To that place of ease and flow.

To show up & shine through sharing. -

I believe when our souls are on fire,

We step into and deliver our truth.

We solve problems effortlessly. Together.

And connect at our core.


Light your soul on fire.

Spark inspiration through adventure.

Pause for the nature around you.

Breathe in beauty

Exhale stress and judgment.

Delight in moments of joy and awe,

Embrace the unexpected,

And find comfort in the discomfort and confusion.


Seek out and strengthen the relationships

With people you love -

Who lift you higher -

And challenge you to be better & shine brighter.


Only then will you see what a gift you are to the world.

Thank you for being you,

And allowing me to be so openly me.

We’re in this adventure together. Buckle up.