The New Kid on the Block

There’s been lots of talk around

This concept of “authentic marketing”

If this is the new hot topic,

What was it before?

Well, I should know.

I made that mistake.

I went to an event a few years ago,

And a single conversation changed everything.

“Wait, YOU’RE Phoebe?!

Like Phoebe from Makeup Your Marketing?!

You look nothing like I expected!”

In digging deeper, I realized

My site represented only a small piece of me.

But as someone with a wide range -

A colorful personality with many sides,

(Hello Gemini!)

I was hiding behind a false brand

Bc that’s what I thought they wanted.

No pictures of me on the site.

No stories or testimonials,

No sharing of who I was behind the scenes.

Maybe that’s why I attracted the WRONG clients.

So I changed things up.

Looking at my new site -

It’s light, bright and fun.

Testimonials, stories and behind-the-scenes.

And here’s how it’s played out:

I continue to attract my dream clients.

More than that - amazing friends.

Why? Because I dared to show up.

As me, all sides -

The good, bad.. wild and crazy.

I know the people who love that about me,

Will love to not just work with me,

But also get excited by the thought of

Deep diving into my world.

They’ll sink nicely into the crazy

(And buy me beautiful necklaces like this.)

So when you choose to really show up,

To be present and truly authentic,

You attract people, friends and clients

Who can’t help but follow your lead.